

I've been wondering/discussing recently the point of keeping a sketchbook. To be honest.....sometimes I forget that drawing is fun, and I try to draw stuff that is cool instead of letting the pages be uninhibited meanderings. Along the way my mind switches gears and all of a sudden my sketchbook becomes fine art, and personally I find my work suffers (plus drawing with that brain hurts)

I know a few artists who keep sketchbooks as their art and that's all they do. I'm not lobbying for one way or the other just a passing thought.


...'s gone, upwards rain. That's something worth thinking about!


thanks for dropping in!!


Stevie said...

adam!!!! your compositions are killer! Today was so awesome, Brandon came to talk about MoonBot and we saw some pics of you in a story room and boy, it was inspirational. And, great to see you are always drawing, thinking, trying new things ... how is it working on films?

I'm excited for you!!! so excited, I can't wait to see what you're going to do!!! Have alot of fun, keep drawing, painting .. you are my inspiration!!!

goodluck Adam!

Andreas Schuster said...

That sketchbook dilemma is something I always had too.
my solution at the moment is to use two sketchbooks.

One, big, good paper and expensive with drawings I take time and mostly have a idea what it should look like
One small moleskine with thin notepad paper that I can carry around in my backpocket, for scribbles and notes and people asleep on the train.

Doing it like this made my mind a bit more relaxed when drawing.

RAWLS said...

I just never draw in my sketch book with anything but ink anymore. Causes me to commit, but also teaches me to not get overly stressed about the outcome. Take it or leave it, no worrying. Then, when I need to be drawing elsewhere with different mediums I find myself more excited. Your sketchbook is just that... yours! Do what you want with it, not for others. Just think of your sketchbook as a piece of Kleenex tissue. You feel the urge to sneeze out a snotty drawing, do it. No one really wants to see that mess... but if it looks cool, and people like it, bonus!

Joe Bluhm said...

Adam, you are so cool. I'm so lucky to be annoying you from across the desk every day. Good thoughts on sketching (rather good "seeds" you've planted for discussion). I'm so happy to see that you care about all this so much, not that I ever thought otherwise... but... you know.

Upward rain, CocaBrola.

Meghan and Tyler said...
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Tyler Stott said...

grooovey blog!!!

Great stuff...

Trish Tatman said...

Upwards rain reminds me of some old winnie the pooh illustrations. It was always raining in the 100 acre wood.

Hope you are well, Adam.