Headless Horseman Thumbs



thanks for the encouragement on the "Steampunk" challenge everybody! The deadline is approaching fast, and there is some pretty cool work popping up in the forums over there. Here are some thumbnails I did for the competition. I've started the final, but I think there are rules against posting it anywhere until the challenge is over, so I'll hold off on that one.

de tum-nails

till then,



Pop-Monkey said...

That last one, of the Horseman and his mount shrouded in the shadows of the alley, looks like a great composition. Could be creepy-freaky!

THanks for the update!

Keep on truckin!

Adam Temple said...

Despite the fact that I can't read some of the thumbnails, you have really awesome designs. Paint some steampunk! Cheers.

Chris Dacol said...

YOur work is mind blowing!