the insightful and ever helpful James Gurney made this post and it got me to thinking. I could totally use a list like that! Many times after a couple hours of noodling I realize I've forgotten to use my brain. I immediately stickie-noted "BLAST" to my workstation.
I went through some old files on my now ancient desktop computer, and found some notes on painting that I had gotten from someone back at school. They've been helpful tidbits to skim through every time I sit down to paint. I thought I would pass that along in case anyone else out there feels like they forgot something, and need a little encouragement. I've linked the files below and you can just download um and read away! have fun, take care!
Harvey Dunn, letters to the class
Harvey Dunn, class notes
Sargeant's painting notes
Harvey Dunn, class notes
Sargeant's painting notes
Thanks for dropping by
yeah man kick ass, thanks.
-trey b.
Thanks, man -- that's useful information that seems obvious, but is easy to forget. I'll look through those notes when I get a spare minute.
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